Style De La Creme is made to inform you about trendy and up to date garments, to fantastic quotes that may motivate you with your stylish journey in life. There will also be pictures of places to go and traditional/oriental foods to eat.
Within this website, be sure to read about all the latest styles and beauty products for each season. Put your feet up, grab either butter/toffee/sweet/salt popcorn and read about some great interpretations of fashion.Welcome to ma maison!
Fashion is forever changing and I love to take each style and make it my own. I particularly like prints that link with traditional African attires. But I still enjoy looking at clothing that could be mixed up, to suit my taste and characteristic. I have also done a Fashion, marketing and management course which has informed me about how important fashion has become in our society. So I would like to share all the secrets to making your look Savy/Sexy/Unique.